Pool Noodle Workouts

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday season! In the spirit of New Year’s traditions and resolutions, I thought we should start 2021 off with some simple and fun 5 minute workouts. As always I have provided workouts for kids of all ability levels, but this week we are going to shake things up a bit. Each of these workouts is being done using a pool noodle. Doesn’t that sound fun!

You can use a full size pool noodle if you want to, but I have cut mine down to about half the standard length. The easiest way to trim a pool noodle is by using a serrated knife, aka a bread knife. You can also add some duct tape to the ends for better grip and to make it look cool. If your child has difficulty holding on to the noodle, you can use a strap or sock to help them hold on, just be sure it isn’t too tight. That would be harmful to their circulation. If you would like more information on the pool noodle, please check out this video. You can also perform these workouts without a pool noodle. As I tell my students, as long as you are moving, I’m happy! 

I hope you enjoyed those workouts! Do you have other creative ideas on ways to exercise with a pool noodle? If so, please leave them in the comments section below. 

If you would like to check out my other 5 minute workout videos, here are the links:

Fingers crossed that we all have a happy and joyful 2021. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a great week!



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