Summer Strength Series

I am really excited to tell you all about a project I have been working on over the last few months. As many of you know, I am a school based Physical Therapist. This means that I don’t get to see my students over the summer and I worry about them staying active and moving over those months. So, this year I decided to use my YouTube Channel to help everyone stay active.

The Summer Strength Series is an 8 week program including videos for kids of all ability levels. Beginning June 5, 2021, I will be releasing 2 videos each week that focus on one area of the body or type of activity. The video released on Saturday will be for my friends with movement limitations. All of the activities will be done in sitting. The video released on Monday will be done in standing. Here are the upcoming activities: 

I am really excited about this video series. I hope you will enjoy it too!

Thanks so much for stopping by today. I hope you have an amazing week!


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